Family Lawyer/Divorce Lawyer in MD

If you are considering a divorce, find the right lawyer to help guide you through the process. A family lawyer in Maryland will have an intimate understanding of both state and federal laws regarding marriage and separation agreements.

While making this decision can be difficult, it is imperative that your rights as an individual are respected when navigating the complexities of Maryland family law. With that being said, having a trustworthy Maryland divorce attorney by your side can be invaluable in protecting not just financial interests but also providing emotional support during these trying times.

What is family law and what it covers?

Family law in Maryland is a broad legal practice area that covers many areas of family life. It generally deals with issues related to divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic violence proceedings, and other similar matters. All family-related problems must be handled by experienced family law attorneys in Maryland who are both familiar with the state’s laws and have experience handling these types of cases.


In Maryland, limited and absolute divorce are two paths to end a marriage legally.

  • Limited divorce, also known as “separate maintenance” in Maryland, is similar to a legal separation. This type of divorce does not dissolve the marriage itself. It allows couples to live separately while remaining married. The grounds for this type of divorce include separation, abusive behavior, and desertion.
  • An absolute divorce ends the marriage entirely and typically requires at least one of the parties to prove fault on behalf of their spouse. Some grounds for obtaining an absolute divorce include adultery, imprisonment, and mental incapacity.

In addition, court orders may be issued during the divorce process to ensure agreements are met and any assets are distributed accordingly.

Jezic & Moyse LLC divorce lawyers in Maryland are experienced in both limited and absolute divorce cases. We understand how complex this process can be, so we work hard to ensure our clients receive the best possible outcome.

Our attorneys handle both contested and uncontested divorces and complex issues like spousal support or child custody arrangements. No matter the circumstances, our divorce attorneys in Maryland can provide the support and guidance necessary to help you through this challenging process.

Child custody

Child custody cases are highly important in Maryland. There are two types of custody: legal and physical.

  • Legal custody involves decisions about a child’s welfare and upbringing, such as where they go to school or what religion they should practice.
  • Physical custody involves determining which parent has the right to have the child live with them. In most cases, family courts in Maryland will try to award joint custody to both parents so that each can continue to be involved in their children’s lives.

It is recommended that individuals seeking advice on family court matters seek family lawyers in Maryland who specialize in this type of law. These lawyers can provide expert advice regarding the best way forward for your particular situation. They can also help you develop a strong plan for your family’s best interests.

Many family lawyers in Maryland can provide the advice and guidance you need to protect your family’s rights and interests.

Domestic violence

Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence can apply for a protective order. This includes:

  • Victims of physical abuse
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Threats of harm
  • Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Sexual assault by someone they are in an intimate relationship with

Those persons can include current and former spouses, dating partners, family members (including parent-child relationships), cohabitants, and those sharing children in common.

Protective orders issued by the court provide relief to victims of domestic violence by ordering the abuser to stay away from them and other protected individuals specified in the order.

Abusers may be forbidden from visiting their home or place of employment, as well as from getting in touch with the victim directly, by phone, or through a third party, depending on the conditions set forth by the court. If the abuser violates the terms of the protective order, they may be guilty of contempt and face serious legal consequences.

It is important to note that while a protective order may provide some security, it is not an ironclad guarantee of safety and shouldn’t be relied on as your only source of protection against domestic violence.

You should reach out to family law attorneys in Maryland to get the advice you need. They can help assess your situation and provide guidance on what steps you should take to ensure your safety.

We’re experts in Maryland family law

In addition to divorce, child custody, and domestic violence cases, family law also encompasses other related matters such as adoption and guardianship. Because the field of family law is so broad, having an experienced Maryland family law attorney by your side who knows the ins and outs of this area of law is critical.

At Jezic & Moyse LLC, our team of skilled family lawyers has experience handling many family law cases in Maryland. We are here to help you navigate the legal process every step of the way. Request a consultation with one of our attorneys today.

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