Protective Order Lawyer in Gaithersburg

If you are in a situation where you feel like you need a protection order, it is crucial to seek legal help right away. Jezic & Moyse can assist you with this process. If you need this type of legal assistance, a lawyer in Gaithersburg is ready to help you with your case. 

Protection orders can provide much-needed peace of mind during a difficult time, and a qualified lawyer can help make the process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Having someone on your side who understands the law and can help protect you from further harm is crucial. Contact one of the attorneys at Jezic & Moyse to get started on seeking a protection order.

What is a protective order? 

Court orders preventing a party from doing anything to the other party are called protective orders or restraining orders. A protective order issued in an emergency situation is usually granted expeditiously without giving notice to the other party. 

Domestic violence cases often require emergency protective orders, which only a police officer may issue. It is unnecessary to provide notice to the abuser, but it must be served with the order. You can obtain an order of protection from either the District Court or Circuit Court in Gaithersburg, Maryland. 

Who can obtain a protective order?

Protective orders are available to those who meet the following criteria:

  • A person currently married to or previously married to the abuser or the respondent;
  • Having a cohabitant who is an abuser;
  • An individual who has a blood, marriage, or adoption connection to the respondent;
  • The respondent’s parent, stepparent, child, or stepchild who has lived with the respondent or person eligible for relief for at least 90 days within one year before the petition was filed;
  • A vulnerable adult;
  • A person who shares a child with the respondent;
  • An individual who had a sexual relationship with the abuser within one year before filing for relief;
  • A petitioner who is alleging that the respondent committed or attempted to commit rape or sexual offense within six months before filing the petition.

Advantages of hiring protective order lawyers in Gaithersburg

When applying for protective orders in Gaithersburg, Maryland, you may benefit from hiring an attorney:

  • Knowledge of the Law: One of the main advantages of hiring a protective order lawyer in Gaithersburg is that they will thoroughly understand the law. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action to take and will be able to represent you in court, if necessary.
  • Experience with the Court System: As an added advantage of hiring a protective order lawyer in Gaithersburg, you will find that they are experienced in dealing with the court system and can effectively represent you. You will be able to get the best possible outcome for your case if you hire a firm that knows how to navigate the legal process.
  • Access to Resources: You would also have access to a wide range of resources if you hired a Gaithersburg protective order lawyer, which you might not be able to access on your own. During this challenging time, they will be able to contact professionals, such as investigators and therapists, who can be of assistance to your case.
  • Peace of Mind: Lastly, hiring a Gaithersburg protective order lawyer can give you peace of mind regarding your case. When you are in a stressful situation, knowing you have an expert on your side who is committed to protecting your rights can make all the difference in the world.

Getting you the proper protection is our priority

You should file a protective order with legal assistance if you are in a situation where you need one. It is best to seek the help of a qualified lawyer to guide you through the process and ensure your rights are protected. Our attorneys have extensive experience in obtaining protective orders for clients. We understand what is at stake and will work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome for you. Feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Jezic & Moyse:
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