Easton, MD, Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Easton, MD, Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Navigating the legal complexities surrounding a traumatic brain injury case can be overwhelming, especially when already faced with the recovery and healing process. Between specific statutes and laws that may apply to your case and the stress of recovering from a serious injury, this process is daunting. This is where a skilled Easton, MD, traumatic brain injury lawyer comes in. 

While you focus on healing, our experienced team at Jezic & Moyse will uphold your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. If you’ve suffered a TBI due to another’s negligence, we can help.

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Attorney David Moyse was part of a team of lawyers who successfully obtained a high six-figure settlement for a client who had been the victim of a faulty eye surgery. Andrew Jezic has participated in many successful malpractice lawsuits.

Selected as one of area’s top lawyers in SUPERLAWYERS & The WASHINGTONIAN!

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious injury that affects the brain’s function. These injuries can range in severity from mild damage with short-term effects to severe damage that may cause lifelong complications or death. TBIs can occur in various accidents and incidents, including falls, motor vehicle crashes, workplace accidents, or sports accidents. 

The treatment for TBIs depends on the severity of the injury, with mild injuries often requiring no more than a few weeks of rest from regular activities. Moderate to severe TBIs can demand extensive and intensive medical care and treatment, such as surgery and rehabilitation. 

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Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury often falls into one of two categories, penetrating or non-penetrating, although some victims may sustain both types. 

Penetrating TBIs occur when a foreign object enters the skull, penetrating the brain tissue. These injuries often impact a particular area of the brain, affecting functions associated with that lobe or area, although widespread damage is possible. Penetrating TBIs are usually the result of traumatic accidents, such as a motor vehicle accident or gunshot. 

Non-penetrating traumatic brain injuries occur when an external force jostles the brain within the skull. The contact against the hard, bony interior of the skull can cause extensive damage to the brain, resulting in widespread damage. These injuries are often the result of accidents or incidents like explosions or natural disasters.

Prognosis for TBIs

The long-term outlook, or prognosis, for traumatic brain injuries varies based on the severity of the injury. Minor TBIs may not have any lasting effects on the victim, allowing them to resume normal life with little to no long-term repercussions. 

However, moderate to severe TBIs can have lasting behavioral, physical, cognitive, and emotional impacts on the victim. These changes can affect everything from simple daily tasks to overall physical and cognitive function, although the extent of the changes depends on the severity of the injury.

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Compensation in a Traumatic Brain Injury Case

In a traumatic brain injury lawsuit, two types of compensatory damages are available. The first, called economic damages, covers financial losses related to your accident, such as medical expenses and lost wages. The second, called non-economic damages, refers to intangible losses related to your injury, such as emotional distress and pain and suffering. 

In rare cases, Maryland courts may choose to award punitive damages, a secondary category separate from compensatory damages. These damages aren’t awarded to compensate the victim but to hold the at-fault party responsible for their egregious negligence, intentional infliction of injuries, or willful or wanton misconduct.

How Much Is My Traumatic Brain Injury Case Worth?

The value of your traumatic brain injury case depends on the specifics of your case, such as the severity of your injury and the likelihood of a full recovery. 

The economic damages you may receive depend on the financial losses, but the non-economic damages usually depend on the economic damage amount. Lawyers often use the economic amount to determine the non-economic amount. 

However, it’s important to note that state law, including damage caps and contributory negligence laws, can impact the value of your case. A skilled brain injury lawyer in Maryland can determine the value of your case based on the specifics associated with your injury.

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How Can an Easton, MD, Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Help With Your Case?

A traumatic brain injury lawyer is a type of personal injury lawyer who serves a vital role in lawsuits surrounding TBIs. While hiring an Easton, MD, brain injury lawyer might not be the first thing that comes to mind after a traumatic brain injury, it's an important step. 

While you focus on the recovery and rehabilitation process, your lawyer will be hard at work on your case, fighting to pursue the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will guide you through every step, from the initial consultation and investigation to negotiating settlement offers and representing you in court as necessary. 

Our knowledgeable traumatic brain injury lawyers at Jezic & Moyse understand the intricacies of TBI cases and the unique challenges that accompany them. We're here to help you navigate this difficult time in your life, offering the support you need and advocating for your rights. 

As we guide you through the legal process, we'll keep you informed of progress. If you have any questions or concerns, we're here to help.

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    Consult an Experienced TBI Lawyer for Personalized Assistance

    When you suffer a traumatic brain injury due to another's negligent actions, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. If you or a loved one has sustained a TBI, talk to our experienced Easton, MD, brain injury lawyers at Jezic & Moyse. We're here to offer guidance and support to help you understand your legal options and pursue the compensation you deserve.

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