Driving on a Suspended License

While driving on a suspended license may not seem like a huge offense, the consequences and fines associated with this charge can significantly affect your personal life. In the state of Maryland, driving on a license that is suspended, revoked, or invalid, is a crime, and you could even end up serving prison time for the offense.

Fines and Penalties

The fines and penalties associated with driving on a suspended license in the state of Maryland will be heavily dependent on your independent situation. For instance, driving on a suspended license after being charged with a DUI will result in heavier fines and penalties than other infractions. The courts will also take into consideration whether this is your first offense, or you are a habitual offender. General fines and penalties for common Maryland codes associated with driving on a suspended license include: 

  • A maximum of a $1000 fine, one year in jail, and 12 points off your license under Maryland code 16-303(C)
  • A maximum of a $500 fine, 6 months in jail, and 3 points off your license under maryland code 16-303(H)
  • A maximum of a $2000 fine, 2 years in jail, and 12 points off your license for a second offense of driving on a suspended license

As mentioned, other circumstances like a DUI conviction can significantly increase the penalties and fines associated with driving on a suspended license. If you have been accused of committing one of these offenses, contact a defense lawyer to discuss your case. 

Other circumstances like a DUI conviction can significantly increase the penalties and fines associated with driving on a suspended license.


Fighting Your Driving on a Suspended License Charge

Even with a first offense of driving on a suspended license, you may benefit from hiring a criminal defense lawyer. All offenses associated with this crime will remain on your permanent record, and you run the risk of being excluded from job opportunities when an employer runs a background check. 

A good criminal defense lawyer can help you avoid jail time for your offense, and keep your record intact. There are many possible defenses to driving on a suspended license, such as: 

  • You were not behind the wheel of the vehicle 
  • At the time of your arrest, your license was not suspended
  • You were not made aware of your license suspension

Even if you do not have a credible defense, an experienced defense attorney can help you come up with a plea deal, saving you time, money, and potential jail time. 

If you have been charged with driving on a suspended license in the state of Maryland, the Law Offices of Jezic and Moyse is ready to fight your case. Our attorneys can craft the right defense for your situation, and assist you through the entire court process. A criminal defense attorney could mean the difference between a simple fine, and significant jail time for your offense.